Look Around

A million things are going on in this world
That were hurled into
Somethings define us as people something we could care less for
But these things are what give us a connection to this planet we inhabit
Similar items even in the smallest white rabbit
Nothing is ever never new
Creations from something used
So are people ever new
If mass can neither be created or destroyed
And are we just deployed
Or does where we come from have meaning
To our own individual being
The creation of life
The creation of death
To watch your last breath
No longer part of the physical world
Free to leave at you will
From that 40 yr old hill
These two things are what makes all equal to each other and everything in the universe
Time goes by in the blink of an eye
With this I leave
Saying use your time while you’ve got it because life in itself is a miracle
♠ ♠ ♠
comments are welcomed