Why Is This the Case, Tell Me, Why?

Why do i do this,
why is this the case,
driving myself in circles,
submitting to the madness,
hidden behind my face,

i sometimes feel like crumbling,
if youll see my profile you will see,
that all of this pressure,
is really getting to me,

if you observe my profile,
or read a couple,
of those things i poured my broken heart into,
maybe you will begin to see,
that all i wanted,
was a friend for me,

one to help,
one to guide,
one to be theoretically by my side,
one to laugh with,
one with which i share my pain,

all of these you find,
in one person alone,
the just need to find it,
withing their inner home,

I think im going crazy,
just a little bit insde,
i certainly feel like it,
id enjoy more friends.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love feedback people, please give me something :) <3 ~ love, me.