Cat & Mouse

Round and round we go,
Where we stop nobody knows.

I chase you,
A desperate feeble chase.

You chase me,
An angry, jealous chase.

It's like a game no-one is playing
But it's a game we both want to play.

When the chase began I chased as long as I could.
Running and lusting and dreaming
For you.
For the chase to end.

When you informed me of the pointlessness
Of my chase, I realized:
The chase had made me so tired, so I gave up.

Then you began the infamous chase again.
Running and lusting and willing
For something you couldn't have.
For a chase that no longer existed in my mind.

Yet, when I realized you had begun to chase,
I denied any opportunities to chase back.
After all, the chase was so tiring.

But this is what I wanted, what I ran, lusted, and dreamed for.

Round and round we go,
Where we're going to stop, I wish I knew.

♠ ♠ ♠
I love this one...