Hazel Eyes

Everyday I walk past him
Can he notice my hazel eyes staring?
Each time I sit beside him
Does he know that for him, I'm suffering?

My eyes keep flicking over to him
Tracing it all and putting it to memory
But when either of us leave and are gone for a time
I have to wonder, will he even remember me?

He meets my hazel eyes and smiles a friendly smile
On the outside I'm happy, but inside my heart is breaking
I know that he will not meet my eyes with more than friendship
He doesn't know it, but because of him I'm dying

Many eyes fall on him in disgust and distaste
But my hazel eyes see an angel in disguise
If only he knew what was going on inside of me
He is the key to my ultimate demise

At night I can't sleep peacefully because of him
He's there in my head, taunting my heart
I wake in the middle of the night to absolutely nothing
I am left to ponder, why did I fall for him at the start?

Everyday I walk past him
Can he notice my hazel eyes glistening?
No, it is only a lost cause doomed to fail
I only ask that after I'm gone if he could remember me
♠ ♠ ♠
I started writing this during theater, and it ended up being about my crush (who happens to be in theater with me and just so happens to sit beside me >.> ) I promise that I will get back to writing the stories as soon as possible!!! ^.^'