An Escape

your chest aches
you convulse
you throw your head in your hands
you curl up in a ball
you sob so strongly no sound escapes
your heads throbbing
you occasionally let out a broken squeal
you freeze like that for a moment
and then you take a shaky breath and break down even more
you feel so hopeless
but then
then you feel hope
a possible escape
a release of everything inside
everything that you bottle up all day
the hate
the anger
the sorrow
the pain
the grief
you sit up and realize
they all have a way to escape
you use that shiny piece of metal
your only hope
you use it to let them out
you go once
you already feel better
you keep carving
it feels so good to let it all out
some people just see blood
but mixed in there's an invisible part
its not physically there
but you feel it
the hate
the anger
the sorrow
the pain
the grief
as the blood flows away
so does all your worries