I wonder what you see in me.

I wonder mom
Are you proud of me
Did I grow up like you dreamed
Or did I fail completely
When you look at me
What do you see?
Cause I tried to be like you
Strong, wise, kind, helpful
I tried to take all the things
That made you a hero and
Make them part of me
I tried to take the love you gave me
And give it out tenfold
I wonder what you see when
You look at me mom.

I wonder dad
Am I still your little girl
Was I ever?
We clash so often it's hard to
Think of times we weren't fighting
Or angry with one another.
Your a solider through and through
And that why I love you
Cause you stand firm
You're Brave, honest, strong
And yet still like a kid too
With such a smile and a laugh.
Did I grow up right?
Are you glad I'm your daughter?
Or did I disappoint?
I wonder what you see in me dad.

I wonder little sister
Are you glad I am your sister
I wonder if you realize
How much I want to protect you
Or are you ashamed of and who
I became in all these years.
You know you always were the pretty one. The popular one.
You have always been so
Beautiful and wonderful
Maybe that's why we fought so much
Because you have always been what
I wished I could be.
I wonder little sister what you see in me?

I wonder my older sisters
What you see now after
All the years we have spent apart.
Do you still see me as a child
Or have I grown more then you
Thought I would.
I hope your proud of me cause I have
Tried to be like you in so many ways
You were my cool older sisters
Who I could brag about
You helped raise me from diapers.
You were there to see me grow
And find my way
You helped me when I decided
I loved animals and reading
You offered books and guidance
When ever I asked.
So my older sisters what do you see in me?
♠ ♠ ♠
It seems we can never be sure of what others think of us. And so I have put some of what I think of my family into word as best I could.