Cutter's Promise

Can you look me in the eye
And honestly say you'll never do it again?
That you'll never take that blade to your skin again?
Do you get a rush
When you see the blood
Slide off your wrist
And fall to the floor?
How can you pretend
Like nothing happened
And then do it again?
When you look me in the eye,
Do you know that I know you're lying?
Can you look me in the eye
And say you'll never do it again?
Because time and time again,
You've broken your promises.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've never self-harmed; however, I have dealt with people who have. I was a Peer Facilitator in high school and it was my job to help students stop self-harming themselves...And thankfully most of them did. If you self-harm, PLEASE get help. If you know someone who self-harms, PLEASE help them get help.