Who We Are

I'm the slightly average girl you see
I get up
Get dressed
Go to school
And have my hobbies

But what if I don't wanna be
The girl that sits quietly
In the class with a bunch of people
I seem organized,
But am I?

I have my appearance
But that is not me you see
We all look like who people think we are
But we all are fakers
In some way of such

The girl with the racket may like tennis
But does she?
The boy with the football may like football
But does he?
What about the girl with the guitar
Does she like music?

We have these looks and we are set up to be
Someone who we may not be
The lives of us can shadow us in reality
The life of you is different than me
So I say "Forget appearance, it's personality"
That shows who we are