"Made Up Dreams"

Is it too much to dance to a Styx song with someone I loved?
Is it too much to want to dedicate a slow song to somebody,
to anybody?
Is it too much, will it ever be enough?

Is it too much to want to dance with someone else who was
also wearing make-up?
Is it too much to ask to be with someone and not be judged
for it?
Is it too much, will it ever be enough?

Is it too much to just want something more?
Is it too much to fully live happily?
Is it too much, will it ever be enough?

Is it too much to be given the consent that I deserve?
Is it too much to embrace my whole self?
Is it too much, will it ever be enough?

Is it too much to live in the light?
Is it too much to pronounce inaffliction?
Is it too much, when will it ever feel like enough?
♠ ♠ ♠
"Made Up Dreams" was named after song lyrics. The "slow song" mentioned in the second line in the first verse is actually referring to the acoustics version of the song "If I'm James Dean, Then You're Audrey Hepburn." In a way, the song was an inspiration behind the idea for this poem. In the lyrics it reads, "It goes to show, I hope that you know that you are what my dreams are made of." So I decided to name this poem "Made Up Dreams," since it's all about dreams that haven't exactly come true for me yet. But hell, I'm a trooper; and a "hoper," at that. :] So yes, these are imagined dreams that will hopefully become realities one day. :)