Unknown Face (Daughter to Father)

Hello, hello,
Unknown face.

it's been 15 years since I've been born,
it's been 14 years since you've been gone.

Mother said she left you,
but I know the honest truth,
you left her, cause she had no money,
she had no value.

You're an unknown face,
Mother said I got my face from you,
but to be truthful, I can't even picture,
to even share your features.

Questions snares around me like a web,
Do I have your skin tone?
Do I have your hair?
Do I have your eyes?
but I get by and by.

Days and days go on
For you,
I've only allotted a few thoughts,
don't have time to spare anything else.

For some girls would want to meet their father,
to fill in the hole they think is too open wide,
but my heart has turned cold,
no need to poke and prod,
no need to waste such time
For an unknown face.

Things have come to pass,
both the good and bad,
I've watched a man beat her,
though it scared me then,
I feel resentment build and harvest,
here and now.

Such a stupid fool,
that woman,
I call "mother"

opening her legs wide,
letting men come in and say "har har"
taking her riches and barely keeping the clothes off her back.
she does not care, long as she has their attention for the moment onward
till they've squeezed her dry,
and says "bye bye"

You know,
Unknown face,
you were the same as them,
beating her when she had nothing at the time,
then taking the riches till there was not a dime,
but alas, you gave her a child,
that child was me.

Unknown face,
let it be known,
if I should ever see you,
a slap to the face,
that woman said that looked like me, is all you'll ever receive.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hellsy.Neko copyright © 2013