Altar of Dreams

Forever under starlit skies and moonlit dreams,
My pillow of dreams rest under my tormented dreams.
The crumbled blanket weaved by threads of captivity
Voiced the rain of tears that splattered into my solitude.

For her eyes never knew reasons to weave dreams,
That embodied into the nadir of an unsung lullaby.
Under the melancholy eyes that waited my glance
Were the tandem of fears that filled an altar of dreams.

Petals of dreams bid farewell to the gentle breeze,
When my bruised fingers touched eloquent nightmares.
Abbreviated pauses dissolved in the depths of your pain,
Within my journeys that sought the depth of your eyes.

Mystery of a fragrance revived the dance of glances
For solitude dissolved to evade my fading smiles.
Embodied was the tandem of beauty in your whispers,
Like diamonds of tears shattered in the bosom of my heart.
♠ ♠ ♠
Words are powerless, but none is a loser when they are brave enough to hope