Love Letter for Him

Days have come and gone,
things have always went wrong.
I despised the life for which was given to me,
time and again I wished to be rid of this mess

instead I hid and became indifferent to the world surrounding me,
cold and hateful,
people are a danger, a threat,
they can't be trusted.
Then one day you offered your hand to me,
your smile shone brighter than any star,
it filled my heart with such joy,
it started to beat faster than a race car's

My heart was aflutter,
The smile on my face couldn't be taken away,
all I could do was mutter.

Your words has reached the depths of my soul,
been pushed around and shoved,
been looked down upon and used,
you make me feel like a new me,
a better me.
Your saving grace has repaired this broken heart of mine,
I'd like to think of you as God's gift to me.
A miracle and a dream come true

When I'd feel dirty and down,
when my nightmares arise and the voices in my head upraise,
when I hear your constant voice against my ear,
it sounds so sweet, your deep accent caressing my soul
I begin to relax, the fears dim and dull
flying out the window.

Happiness is abundant as your arms are around me,
I feel warm and loved,
knowing your care was as deep as mine for you,
your love as vast and endless as the ocean

However cold I get when you arms disappear,
I pray you return, I pray for your soul.

I've given you my heart to receive,
for you were the one to repair it,
for you are the one worthy to keep it
though imperfect, I hope it will suffice
to show how much I yearn for you

I used to be cold and afraid to lose my heart,
to give away my trust,
to bare my soul
to share my dreams and hopes
to another.
I give you all that, in trust you'd never break me.
Never leave me, like others have done before you
In return I'd give you my work,
I'd give you my love
I'd give you my life
I'd give you my adoration
I'd give you my affection
I'd do anything I could to help make our dream come true.

Everyday you inspire
you burn a desire
deep within me,
doubts are overcome with the passion of your gaze
together I hope to inspire others,
'cause love, you drive me into a daze,
you've changed me for the better
our fights cannot compare to our love and passion
with this letter,
with this tears I've shed over the paper,
I want others to know,
how much you make me drive to improve
into a better me
how much you've made me happy and whole
I couldn't ask for anything more.

I feel a connection to you,
strong and deep,
for which is rarely experienced
in these humble human lives of ours
our love is unique and true,
it's once in a lifetime,
I can't let it get away
I hold it close to my heart
gently caressing it but holding it close firmly

You've always been my best friend
you'd never be able to imagine,
how happy you made me
when you said ... "I love you"

Together forever
with you
is all I can ever ask for.
Nothing could make me happier
now kiss me you big oaf
'Cause I love you too
Forever and ever....
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