
So once again I awake in a state
Can't quite breathe or respirate.
Eyes a blur, it's hard to navigate
When every other day leaves me feeling irate

Brew another cup of herbal tea
Get it down my neck
Don't question the remedy

When everything's a poison
And everything's fucked up
Illness is a constant
Yet people blame it on luck

The problem is society,
Our lifestyle, packed with ills,
Commercialised carcinogens,
And pharmacutical pills.

Even the air we breathe is tainted with shit
Toxic metals pollute our homes,
As we light our cancer sticks

But we'll keep on living,
Oblivious to this mess,
Binge drink on the weekend
"It helps me cope with the stress"

The stress of working for some fat cat?
Whilst his profiteering slave trade,
Brings the money to beaurocrats.

A binge, a release, a way to escape,
But whilst you're living for the weekend
Life becomes a stalemate.
♠ ♠ ♠
Been feeling the spoken word vibe lately