I Am

“I Am”

I am on a rollercoaster of emotions.
I wonder if he knows.
I hear the tone of our voices change.
I see the ceiling fan spin around and around as I try to block out the world.
I am tired.
I pretend to be ok.
I feel nausea, this always happens when I argue with anyone.
I touch my face and wipe away my tears that fall like a slow rain.
I worry about us, the thought runs about my mind like a hamster on a wheel.
I cry in your arms as you hold me close.
I am fragile.
I understand that if we don’t stop, we will disintegrate and fade away.
I say nothing, every thought locked away in a box.
I dream of the days when we weren’t like this
I try to forget the bad times.
I hope we can come back from this.
I am making a thousand wishes, hoping that one comes true.