Hope v.s Fear

Sometimes you live your life with hope...
the American dream of inspiring enthusiast
to keep your life pure and golden..
you keep your mind on the prize
hoping the other person does too..
a race for a finish line with a stick separating us twenty feet length
I can't move the stick till we get to the line
but the line isn't drawn yet..
only hope is drawn on the ground..
but it will be soon.
I run as fast as I can to get there..
sometimes dragging her along by her lips
so far away to kissing them.. but close enough to dream..
a magical encounter I will see
but I can't hold her yet
the magnitude of her star pulls into my soul
I can not go..
not yet because I have to bleed before I let go
I have to over think the dreams I can't show..
a poring of emotions
water fall of open inspiration
it can not be..
let her spark a creation
a desperate notion
that she won't go.
sweat poring down my forehead
into my eyes..
I loose my vision..
closing closer to the end..
I see her touching me..
loving me..
her soft hands around me..
but for now I drag her to the finish line..
a stick twenty feet length between us
her doubts are my doubts now..
I touch my hand against the rope to pull her closer..
but the stick is in the way
she is using two fingers to push herself forward.
please don't address
the open problems that we face everyday
but they get broken and the stick grows farther
harder to break..
but I keep trying to make it thin
please don't go
a crash take by fate
kiss me please
make it all bleed
puddle me into my own fears
and wrap me in a blanket of cares...
because I love you
and I'm not letting go..
the only thing stopping me from leaving
holding me sitting
is the fear of loosing it all..
have I lost it all?