Letter to You

I miss you honey
I just want you to know
That I miss you so
Don't turn off the lights
Please just go

It seems like you're just fueling the fire
Bring me up higher and higher
She's so damn suspicious
Please just go back to her
Because her thoughts are so fictitious
Please, honey, she's so malicious

It's breaking me up
Tearing my heart apart
That I'm causing so much pain
That I'm the reason for her jealousy
Please just let me go
Go back to her now

I guess that I have a goal
So clear in my mind
I just want you to be happy, boy
I just can't stand it
To know that I'm the reason behind
When words flash and collide

I suppose that you must have
The same set of mind as me
Because you never said a word
Never told me of the distrust and arguments
Of her single-minded envious notions
And I wonder about your intent

I still miss you so
But I'm willing to let you go
If that's what you want, need
Then that is what you will receive
You only must ask
There need be no repeal

It's so sweetly surreal
I'm still not understanding of
Why you were speaking to me
When I'm the reason behind
All your problems; I'm so entwined now
I just can't get out of it
Please help me survive