Lucid Dreams II: Lilies

Oh, hello, stranger
Do sit down and let us have a chat
I'm sure you'll like it here

Things here as I wish it to be

And, because I've wanted it, you came here

I fixed the place up all nice
Ah, white lilies, aren't they pretty?
Makes one wish they could stay a field of them forever and ever and ever

Anyway, I do sure hope you enjoy yourself
You won't be leaving anytime soon
You will stay and play with me

You will never leave
There is no escape
Even when I awake, you shall remain trapped

In my lucid dreams

You look awfully sleepy
It seems you are rather hungry
Maybe some cookies or tea?

Odd, why does it smell funny?
Hmm, how strange!
Well, it does, anyway

You ask an awful lot of questions

I do not know why my family are!
They all disappeared when I fell asleep
They came here, too, but they never returned

And, neither will they ever be back!

I don't miss them, though
I've quite enjoyed being alone
Hmm, is it time, already?

Oh, why yes it is!

It seems you won't be waking up now
I'm sure my family will adore you, though
You won't be returning

Like, I said, there is no escape
And, you won't awake
Just like they didn't

Fret not, it'll all be over soon

For these dreams are not your own, they are mine
And, those that come here, never return
No one can return except for me

Farewell, now
I sure hope you've enjoyed your stay
Even though you won't leave