The Pendulum's Promise

It swings towards and away
in both directions like a cleaver
Rain or shine, no matter what the weather
try to interfere with it's path, and it will sever
It's blade is so smooth, it collects no grime
Even though it has been moving since the dawn of time

Swing left, swing right, swing up, swing down
Wait as long as you will, but always remember
Swing back, swing forth, swing on, and on
Shit won't get better until you make it get better
Or so the pendulum promises

The pendulum is made of everyone's hate
The rage you project on others will all but seal your fate
Your anger may sometimes hurt others, that is true
But never forget that the pendulum always comes back to slice you
This is like Karma, if Karma had a sharpened hatchet
You can't hide from these sins, so about the door, don't even latch it
When you bleed for this one, don't even expect people to think it's tragic
Life has a way of conjuring up the pain like it's summoning good black magic

Swing left, swing right, swing up, swing down
Wait as long as you will, but always remember
Swing back, swing forth, swing on, and on
Shit won't get better until you make it get better
Or so the pendulum promises

The pendulum, though it only goes in a linear direction
Will reveal your life, bad or good, in all dimensions
Through the unnatural glow of one of it's shiny sides
It will make clear all of your nasty lies
Telling you if you get to party or will forevermore burn
By the time you see the shine, it's much too late to turn
When you are, one day, laying peacefully in the ground
It doesn't matter how long you lived, but if you were good or evil when you were around

Swing left, swing right, swing up, swing down
Wait as long as you will, but always remember
Swing back, swing forth, swing on, and on
Shit won't get better until you make it get better
Or so the pendulum promises