
Secrets burn holes in my mouth
Keeping it is like keeping a bee in a jar,
The angry buzzing of it keeps me awake at night
The stinging constant and never ending

It’s our dirty little secret
No, no, no
I don’t want it to be a secret
This bee keeps me up at night, fearful that I’ll slip

A mask is slid over my face, my mouth,
The lies are growing! Do you not see this?
Its not a little secret anymore,
It’s an ocean, cascading and falling onto me, overwhelming me quickly

I have no time to breathe,
My hand struggling to grab something, anything
But I clutch at air,
and I go down again

I want to tell someone
I’ll hurt them if you do
I can’t breathe,

I want to tell someone,
Let me get this weight off of my chest
And air back into my lungs
♠ ♠ ♠