He Doesn't See You

He's the boy in green,
The one with the cool friends, that you desperately wish you could be
But you'll never be like them
Like him
Because you're you, and that means
You're basically invisible,

He's the boy in green,
And you wish you could talk to him
You try, you really do. You talk right at him.
But you're just not
At least to him,

He's the boy in green,
And it feels like you've done something terrible
But you haven't, and you tell yourself that.
It's hopeless
He just won't notice you

He's the boy in green,
And you know you can forget him, it's easy, it's happened before.
Except it hasn't
But you have to try.
You don't want to get hurt
Do you?
♠ ♠ ♠
I just... needed to get some feelings out.