You Left Me

I come to you crying. Crying
because I am scared.
But scared doesn't cut it.
Does it?
For I am petrified.
Petrified that I will make
the wrong decision.
That it will all go wrong.
And what do you do?
You tell me you're happy,
Happy you got picked for team
Whilst I'm here bleeding, screaming.
And you left me here to bleed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi, guys, I just wanted to say that I never really write poems and I don't exactly know a great deal about them so I am sorry if this is in the wrong section D: It would be very helpful if you could leave me feedback because I wrote this in a matter of minutes as I was crying because I've just had some bad news from hospital and my friend turned around, ignored that I was crying, and just spoke about how happy he was. Anyway, please leave feedback as I reaaallly need some! bye