Broken Laptop Continuation

I'm sorry I cannot update
My computer is really late
On getting fixed

She is still in the shop
And he is working on her top
And her fan is a little mixed
Up and needs a fix

I should get it by next week
Mr. Fixer says he has fixed it for cheap
And shall have her up and going
Within the time of showing
Her back to me

I am truly excited
The weight on my shoulders is lightened
I can update my stories
I worry no mories

My heart shall be happy
My writing may be crappy
These first few weeks will be hard
The chapters may be a short as a card

But I hope you'll read them anyways
I'm anticipating these next few days
I've got ideas in my head
For my fingers to tread
Onto the keyboard

You're probably really bored
I promise I won't bother you anymore
With this silly poem
When you see your friends, please tell them

If and When We Don't Take Our Medication
Chapter Seven is coming up
Please be patient!