A to Z

I think I like you,
Yes I do
I think I like you,
Do you like me, too?

This whole love game, it’s kinda scary
This whole love game, it makes me wary
You may hurt me, probably, for sure
But that’s ok, I know the cure

I want you to be mine,
Mine, mine, mine, all mine
But can I ever truly be yours?
I’m not so sure I can escape satan’s lures

I really don’t know what I want,
It’s just, damn, you sure know how to taunt
I really don’t know what I want,
Maybe for it to be me you no longer haunt

We’re going to have a talk, and it’s gonna be rough
And during this talk, I’m going to tell you something tough
I know we’re both leaving very soon,
But why not spend it all together under the moon?

Maybe you want more than just me
And I’m never going to stop you from being free
But if you want to be with just me
Well then sweetie, I’ll agree

I’m not sure how things will all work
But god, I just wanna see that cute smirk
Lets just go with it, see where this goes
And where it will go, well that nobody knows. (:
♠ ♠ ♠
No idea what to do or think, so here are my thoughts, hopes, and optimistic wishes(: