Love Scares Me

Love scares me
Right down to my core
I am so afraid
Afraid to let someone in
To let someone influence me
To let someone love me
And someone to let me love them
Love is so scary to me
I've seen it turn sour
I've helped pick up the pieces
I don't want that to happen to me
I don't want to give a person the chance
Even a moments chance
To break my heart
I don't want to have to be put back together
I don't want to taste that bitterness
People have always told me it's a great feeling
They say that until I have to sit there watching chick flicks
Cuddling with them, a tub of ice cream, and box of tissues
Telling them it's going to be okay
And just to give it time
Love really
And truly
Scares me
I act tough
Saying I'm happy alone
I don't need anyone
But I know
Deep within my heart
I'm just scared
Not only am I scared of what could happen when it ends
But also of if it could ever begin
I don't know if I'm strong enough to but myself out there
To allow the chance of rejection
I don't know so many things
And the things I do know
Scare me
I don't know
I don't know!
I'm scared
I am so scared
The truth that with always
Be there
No matter the act
No matter the words
Love scares me