Without a Trace

I long to go missing without a trace
instead of being stuck in an unforgiving place
with people that treat me like I'm some big disgrace
I'll go to a completely new location and wear a new face
spray those that dare to come near with a can of mace
I'll travel to this new destination with a steady pace
I bet you never thought that I could win this race
avoid like a plague, your phony embrace
I bet you thought that I was someone that could be replace
I'm those steps that you will never ever retrace
dam you don't even have an ounce of grace
you have that same phony expression on your face
with a new journey ahead of me, you'll be a memory I'm glad to erase
I'll gladly go missing without a trace
get lost somewhere in Thrace
leave all my identification behind like it's something I purposely misplaced
just to be rid of you and this unbearable place
I'm not even worth the chase
I thought I should warn you just in case
that I purposely went missing without a trace