One Direction

I don't know why,
I just have a feeling,
that I am in Love....

With One direction,
with Zayn, Harry
with Niall , Louis
and Liam.

Their voices are like a lullaby ,
to my ears,
and whenever I hear them singing,
I feel like they are singing for me,

I wish a miracle happens,
and I get to stay with them.
even for one day,
take their autographs.

get to know more about them,
love them, like them..
tell them they rock.

Oh god, I will do anything..
if that happens,
I will fast for a week,
eat no meat only fruits and water.

I will kiss your feet, god please..
I want to hold their hands and tell them,
that I love them, I am their biggest fan.

God please.... let me stay with
one direction, even for a day