The Angel

I write upon this blood stained page
for the first time, looking up with hope.
You make me smile through my rage
and as I fall into depression, you send me a rope.

Your eyes bore into mine, and I can see the love you have,
I look back, transfixed, as I fall in love with yours.
My heart, after being broken into so many halves,
is being bonded together, and it's all yours.

The pain of the journey is worth the destination,
it's a trip through hell to get to heaven.
No longer do I have to close my eyes and run.
I don't deserve this prize. But your heart, I win...

I hope this is true, I hope we last forever.
There is no pain so harsh as the restraint of never.
You, my dear, are an angel sent by God...
thank you, Lord.

Emotions drip down and the crimson disappears.