There Was a Dark Figure

My feet hit the soft soil
One foot at a time
The only thing I hear is my breathing
I glance back into the trees
Only to see the rapid movement of leaves
Turning forward again I stop
There is a dark figure in the path
I turn to get away
Now it is there
Look to the side
It's moved again
I close my eyes and scream
Only I cant
Water fills my lungs
I open my eyes
All I see is murky water
I try to swim but I cant
There is something holding me down
I look down and hand come from the sand
They are reaching for me
Grabbing my legs pulling me down
I face my face to the surface
I see the shadowy figure looking down at me
It turns and walks away
I can no longer think
The water has filled me
Its weighing me down
I've become to weak to move
I give into the hands
They pull me down and everything goes black