
We stand out in the crowd with the blood all over us
And yet those who splattered it across the world do not see
Is there a patter?
Not knowing their reasons
But the light beaming from confusion lands over us
And we don't even scream

The ones who never wanted us to know all their secrets
Those who have finally caught up with us
Those who are afraid but only murder to hide what's inside
They have dreams too
And so do we

But they murder us, they murder us silently
And we'll never be so close to the core
We don't want to know what's inside
And yet we keep seeking it out

For it to be sincerity, we'd have to be born again
Back to when we're flawless, innocent
Truly rightful children of God

Time cannot be reversed, however
And we get to settle with this version of life
What we've done with what's been given to us
We can't say it's undeserved or unfair because our actions have consequences
We disobey willfully and then keep asking: "why us?"

For now we can only assume that the road ahead of us is waiting
and we will keep following it for as long as we can
♠ ♠ ♠
I was sort of in a morbid mood when I wrote this.
Sorry for any mistakes.