On My Knees

What do you want from me
I have given you everything you ever asked me to give
but here you stand with that same frown on your face
with that same look of doubt hidden behind your eyes
you never will be satisfied
I stand before you
not on my feet
but completely on my knees
broken you see
from all your constant abuse...
was it you
that I once tried to please
was it you that I tried to prove that I was worthy enough to be loved
by you
a daughter shouldn't have to earn her mother's love
it should be unconditional
so why am I constantly trying to get you to love me
to get you to see me
the hurt in my eyes
I tell so many lies
you want me to be something I can never be
someone that I am not
so what the hell do you want from me
I have given you everything, EVERYTHING you ever asked of me
look at me
can't you see
I am completely on my knees
and it is all because of you