What If...

what If I died tomorrow, would these words mean anything to you? If I faded away would this world miss me? As my world revolves around you what happens to my world when your gone. even in this home Im not safe. safe from Society, safe from problems, or safe from you. its not the world but the people In it I care for. this world is doomed to a fate that I wish to not be apart of. a fate too many of us Deserve but too few will have to suffer. I battle not with the world but with myself onto which side I will choose, society, or the few that remain. what is good & bad if there was no good & bad? would this world really never know the Difference? would you Exist? or would you continue to be a figment of my Imagination? would the word Love mean anything to you? or would it just be what it means to the rest of this world? my simple life is a Journey among the many that Inhabit this place, a place where our Journeys sometimes never matter. but what if all of us made a difference? what if the world itself was different? the world Is filled with Both the selfish & the Giving. who's to say is the better or even more so, who's to say who is who? If this world is so vast than why does it feel so alone? I see the glimmer of hope in your eyes, the hope for a better world. If I only knew what my own eyes portraid than I would maybe know my place. as this world feels so Alone, I love being in this world alone with you. its the only time Im truely happy. as this is so theres still the question of what will happen when this moment runs dry & we join the world again? will I become Consumed? what do I do If I cant ever have that one moment again? what kind of life is that to live? I wish for you & you only to be my world, my dreams, & my heart. thats a world worth living.