I should have known better!

The clouds drifted slowly aside.
Seemingly years after they arrived,
When it shut the sun out, leaving me cold

At first there was only a slither,
Letting in a ray of warm sun light
Slowly returning the warmth in me

As the days passed the light grew
The warmth started to settle in deep
As the sun touched my face, my smile returned

After a while all was as it was meant to be
You where here, by my side
Laughing, playing sharing my life

I should have known better
I should have seen it coming
I should have stopped her from ruining it all, again!

I should have known they just can’t get along
I should have seen they are just not compatible
I should have stopped her causing the pain in me!

I should have remembered it never lasted
I should have prepared my self of the inevitable
I should have begged the clouds to remain!

Quicker than they left, they returned, darker than before
Stealing the warmth out of my soul,
Ripping the light from my eyes.