All Alone

That moment when you can feel
Your heart breaking
That moment when you can see
The pieces falling to the floor
The misery that fills my chest
It's like an atomic bomb
It hits
It explodes
I'm dead
Inside at least
You broke me
I'm tired of this pain
I just want it to go away
I'm filled with despair
But you don't care
No one does
That moment when you can't control your tears
Because the barrier that you had there is destroyed
Because of guys like you
I don't know what to do
You broke me
Can't you see
How I cry
How inside I die
I'm done
I am disdained
So full of pain
So full of tears and fears
But nobody cares or knows
Because I'm so alone
So tired of being alone
I am sick of this lonely life
Where no one is my true friend
And no one even notices me
Because I'm the girl who sits in the front of every class
That talks to no one
Because no one talks to her
And I may have this attitude that says that I don't care, but I really do.
I thought I meant something to you
I hate being the loner chick
The one no one likes
The one who receives the hateful stares and
The rude glares
I just want to feel wanted for once
I just want to fit in
I'm tired of being on the outside
Like I'm the only who committed a sin
I'm all alone
By myself
Wishing to have a guy like you
Who would want me too
But that day may never come
I'm so close to being done
Where is the fun
In all of this
It's my senior year
I'm alone
Full of fear
Is this how the rest of my life will be
Lonely and full of misery
I'm dead
On the inside at least
But I'll fake a smile
For you to see
So you don't know
What you did to me