It's Complicated

I've heard of the saying
"Enough love to go around"
But I've never thought of it
as "Too much to go around"
Until now
You say you love me
And you love her
And you want to love her too
Because it makes you happy
To make others happy
You do that for me so well
And I love you for it
But I feel selfish
I want all of you
I don't want to share
I don't want anyone else to feel
As special as you made me feel
But I don't feel good enough
Even though that isn't the case
Loving is what you were born to do
And that's hard to understand
I understand open relationships
It's just for the sex
But loving others
Truly loving them
It hurts to think about
It hurts knowing I'm selfish
And that is wrong
You love to love
And I'm trying to deny you that
That which you were born to do
But I love you too much to give up
Too much to give you up
I don't go a day without replaying those memories
Those touches
The kisses
The love
The lust
All of it
It's too wonderful to give up
Just because I'm selfish
You are too wonderful
To love is to make sacrifices
It'll be hard
And I'll need help
I'll need to be reassured often
Because I'm weak
But I can't go a day without you
Over time
I will learn to be selfless
Because I need you