Promise That You'll Think of Me

Promise me as the sun begins to set
and fade into dark red and orange
as the waves come crashing down
from the ocean
as the birds sing one last time
and fly off into the night
while the moon and the stars align
and a star shoots off into the sky
when that little girl makes one last attempt
to send her message in a bottle
or while those two lovers
make love under the stars
and those two mischievous beings set sail
into the sea of shining waters
when the earth stands still
and people get swept away by silence
Will you think of me
when the sun fades into an orangish red
when the ocean sparkles and shines
into a turquoise blue
Will you think of me my love
and reach for my hands
take a chance
and with no hesistation
take a long walk with me
on the pearl white sand
don't you long to get lost with me
travel from one country to the next
with no compass
except our hearts leading the way
just jump on board a train
with no clue
of the destination
get lost in a forbidden cave
huddle and cuddle close
beside an ignesious fire
Promise me that we will not be cautious my darling
that will travel the seven seas
see the pyramids in Egypt
sip wine and sleep till the sun rises
in a romantic villa in Italy
If you ever decide to run free
to run wild
Promise me that you'll think of me