Regular Course Day

I wake up in the morning
music pounds at my dreams
Kicking down the door
I get up, I brew coffee before it hinges back the door
A waffle in the toaster
apple sauce smeared
I eat, slurp and burp
get dressed, lace my shoes, and off I go
after hopping from train to train
so many zombies deprived of sleep
on the verge of going insane

I get to school, first class is math
I write the problems, try to keep my eyes open
yet they collapse like an avalanche
Winter's chill breathes up my spine
I wish for fur, stir heat in a pot
dump it over my head

My heart races as I venture the hallway
like being stuck on a railway
any loose cannon jamming can snap
let's watch them write a rap about that
hours flourish like a map
a regular course lap
American, health and a little lab
the bell rings, ringy ding ding
stomps of parading grumps
the lump of broccoli your mother shoves down your throat
the atrocious irritation of banging music shut off
teacher grabs happiness, throws it in a can
teeth sucked like lollipops
so rude, so full of attitude
like a heavy bucket of water, a burden to bare
can't help imagining dumping the bucket
and having them running scared

Bell after bell, preach after preach
we reach the everlasting speech
I reach for my metro card
this golden ticket that shall send me off
now I ride the train with my friends
the undead with more soul in their eyes
yet still the bricks of homework construct a palace
we light a fire of despise and sorrow
the train leaves the station
wibbly wobbly, faster faster
better hold on to the pole, unless you're a real master
this train, now a sanctum of careless offensive charades
all surrounding adults scowl, within their eyes wolfs growl

I push the key through the slot
so ready to be done for the day
I walk through the door
get a turkey sandwich from the store
no tomato, no cheese
now god please, put out the fire of despise and sorrow
before I do it all again tomorrow