Tell Me My Love, My Life

Tell me my love, my life.
Why heart break is so easy to write?
There’s all kinds of emotions,
But the ones that hurt,
Are the ones easily wrote.

It comes in all forms of words.
From never ending silence,
To screaming in the dark.
From faked smiles and hidden tears,
To doing things you used to fear.
Like popping pills, and drinking booze,
Or drug induced highs leaving razorblade wounds.
So easily done, and so easily written.

Is it easy to write,
Because the pain is so much worse?
Or because there are so many words,
To describe what we are feeling,
And these hollow words help the healing?

Tell me my love, my life,
I know you’ve been there before.
How did you heal and become so much more?
How did you become so strong?
How did you start to move along?

Who helped fill the silence with laughter?
Who silenced the screaming, by holding you tight?
Who helped you stand back up after falling to the floor?
Who helped you out of the dark, by opening the door?
Who reminded you of your fears,
And then cleaned your face of tears?
Who got you down from being so high,
And stitched the wounds close?
Who showed you how hard it is to write happiness?

Tell me my love, my life.
Because I know who it was who saved me.
I know who showed me words only help so much.
I know who showed me happiness is harder to write.
Because it can only be truly showed in real life.

So tell me my love, my life.
Why is heart break easy to write?