You Across the Table

You there
Yes you
The one across from me
You've sat there before
As I have sat here
Neither speaking
Not a single word
I look across the table
Every now and again
I don't stare
Then you might notice
Do you ever look across at me?
I can't help but wish you would
Then you're reading this
And maybe
Just maybe
Think the same things I do
Like what's your name?
What does your voice sound like?
And how would a conversation go between us?
I wonder
Those times I look across
Every now and again
What's on your mind
I wonder
If I'll ever get up the nerve
The courage
To ask your name
Hear your voice
And possibly start a conversation
Until that day I'll just look
Every now and again
And wonder
That is unless
As I look down and write
You're reading this
I f that were true
I guess you would have said something
You would
Wouldn't you?
I guess that's impossible
Less than one in a million
Well until you sit across from me again
I'll see you next time
And look across
Every now and again
Until one day
I get the nerve
The courage
To finally say