I Miss You, Sister

My first thought each day I awake is of you
I miss you so much when I think of you it hurts
Your soul and mind, heart captivated me
If you were still here how things would be

Your were strong and courageous in this life
Determined to persevere you didn’t give up the fight
Your beliefs didn’t yield, bend, or fold
Your beautiful heart shined radiate, pure as gold

Weary you didn’t let your life spiral out of control
I saw within the depths of your eyes an exhausted soul
On your journey you pursued you saw it so clear
Your were aware and knew death was near

I miss our talks, your smile and your beautiful face
If I could say goodbye with just one more embrace
You were the embodiment eloquence, poise.
Your Godly character, integrity, faith, grace
Empower you to the finish line of this race