It's Hard

I know she's in a better place
But all I do is cry
When I wake up
and don't see her face
It's hitting me hard
That's she's really gone
How can I live with myself
Knowing that half of my
Heart is gone
All I can think is
Why would god do this to me ?
Why would he take her from me ?
But I know that's just the devil
Trying to hurt me
No matter how much it hurts now
I won't give in
Because I know that god is real
He's going to be with me
And guide me to the end
Even though I'm going
Through a rough patch right now
I know that I will get through it
It won't be easy it's going to be hard
But I know that I can do it
As long as I have god
He will lead me through life
And that's how I will know
That everything's going to be alright
It might not be right now
But in time it will show
♠ ♠ ♠
My Mom Passed Away I'm Hurting Now But I Know That I Will Be Okay God Always Has A Plan He Does Everything For A Reason Sure We Might Not Always Like Or Understand That Reason But There Always Is One