

You were here
Overlooked, never heard
All of five words were said

You left and drove away
Just another stranger to come and go
But I was left wondering
Left with sweet desire

Didn't know what could fill the void

It took six words
For you to come rushing into my mind
"Yes and he is handsome too"

I was left grasping at straws
Trying to remember any words we could have shared
You were undeniable handsome
At least I could remember that


I didn't know what to expect
I didn't even know if you would be there
But I took a chance
Was walking on a fine line

Walked in, turned the corner
You were sitting right there
No one else, just you.

I looked up
Eye contact; We made eye contact hallelujah
But that was it
I looked down to my feet feeling my cheeks blush

Let a grimace cross my face
Why couldn't I have just said "Hi"
Or a smile at the least

The moment was gone
I didn't see you again

But I came back after a couple of days
I walked in standing straight
I was ready to smile and say hi

You weren't there
Heard a girl talk about your cute date

I wasn't heartbroken how could I be
Lust is a fun and dangerous thing

I have to say though
Since that day
When three times could've been the charm
I haven't thought about you since
♠ ♠ ♠
Just had to write something