Tombstone (White Wings)

I had a dream
About you and me
We'd go to places
No one could reach
And we would wish
For the dreams
To become reality

And every morning
After spending forever in dreamland
With you by my side
I'd scream
With tears in my eyes
I'd try to reach for any object, fashion a weapon
To end my inner turmoil
My stomach was churning
Felt like a screwdriver in an automatic sharpener

And I
Wanted to see you
I drove for days
Without sleeping or eating
with only you in mind
It was almost like a race
Mind over matter, 'they' say
And I kissed your tombstone
Ignoring the frost
So much colder than your warm lips
But it was as close as I could get
To being with you now

And I reread your letter
The one telling me never to follow
In your footsteps
It said that I was strong
And destined for great things

My love I'll try to live on
As it was your dying wish
And I'll dream of you in dreamland
As you watch over me with your new white wings.