There's No Vision in the Dark

Alone in the dark I sit, awaiting your effervescent light.
Memories of your smile bring me happiness,
then I open my eyes to nothing again.

Without your bright, elegant distractions I sit forced to remind myself of my sins, therefore again the sadness begins.
I remind myself daily, blaming myself for what I have lost,
or was it something I never really had?

Where are you?

I'd rather be blinded by your light than have clear vision in my own darkness.
Now I sleep with my eyes wide open because it's too dark to tell when they're closed.

I want you...

I need you...

We lit up the world when we were together...
and then I feel the tap on my shoulder,
I turn. Nothing...
until a whisper in my ear says "We."
With that reminder I reached into my pocket, pulling out an imaginary object.
Closing my eyes only to re-open them again,
and there you sat,
right next to me,
in that now lit darkness.
"Our" lights becoming one.
A single teardrop trickled down my cheek as I smiled and said "You never left..."
From then on I swore to never forget my own light,
that I am beautiful.