Fragile Tough Girl

I'm tough
I can take what you dish
And I can certainly give it back
I'm not shy
I'm outspoken
I'm not afraid
I laugh in the face of danger
I have all this confidence
But all armor has chinks
Including mine
I hate to say it but
I'm fragile
There are somethings I can't take
Somethings I can't respond to
I can become timid
I can beat around the bush
I can get scared
I sometimes cower in the face of challenge
I'm a fragile tough girl
But I refuse to be broken
I may faulter
I may bent
I may even crack
But I will not break
I spent too much time broken
And I won't do it again
I built myself up
Brick by painful brick
I will not be torn down
I refuse
I guess that's why I don't get intimate
I refuse to let someone that close
I have close friends
And I love my family
But I won't get intimate
I can't
I won't let someone even close enough to touch my foundation
I can't
I won't
Love someone
Love is scary
To me
Is like giving someone the tools to break you
And hoping they won't
I hope they won't
I know they will
Love is like taking a brick wall
And replacing it with glass
As it is I'm brick with small glass windows
I can't let someone see through that glass
Or even see that glass
I can't
And I won't
Let someone that close
I have been
And always will be a
Fragile tough girl