Eyes of a Cheater

It's the coldest heart you'll ever meet
Judged by thousands
And brutally hurt by millions
Bleeds when no ones looking
Sickly carrying a virus that no one pays attention to
Infecting the innocent
Killing others yet surviving themselves
Crying tears of regret in the dark
Trying to figure out what got them here
What went wrong?
As they stain each soul with real hate
Dirty the ones that love them in the end
Wondering why these are the hardest times in their lives
And that when each day passes by
It's the last one and they hope to wake up
Maybe hope it was a dream
Wish it isn't like it was before
But their eyes are tear stained from the night before
And they just keep walking
Like a normal individual
Like a normal being
But their eyes are cracked
Just bloodshot red
But they seem fine
They hide behind deadly cheating eyes