Inner Mountain, The Worst Season

My body a brick
Head and shoulders thick like a mountain
All the rain constantly stormed down like a fountain of prick needles
Tearing down the green trees, flowers and plants, small crawling ants
Losing the ability to relax as I pant
Global catastrophe surrounds my cage
Atomic matter grows like a virus, a hazardous phantom
Apparition of inner devils
Foes that glow as the air grows icicles off paralyzed leafs
Summer light years from the horizon
Once you reach the top of the mountain
All you'll find is burning diamonds
If the sun can’t melt these havocs
Replant the seeds
Stick a needle and let the lava spill out
Like a rotten apple ripening and becoming pure
The diamonds many never see dew
The phantoms may never disappear and be forever forgotten
This thick winter, so stiff, so tense
All sense over processed, program gone astray
If eyes focus as Earth juggles the sun from East the West
The soul begs for rest, may go on strike, dreams become nightmares
Nightmares become reality
This Winter must end soon