New Beginning

Anticipation like a knot in my stomach waiting...
Finally, it's time to go
I notice it's warm outside as I jump into the grey pickup

The road winding, seemes like the longest ride
We're getting closer, the time is almost here
The knot growing bigger

We arrive at the river, family and friends
Surrounding me, supporting me
The excitement is setting in
I can barely stand sitting through it

He called my name; it's finally time to give it all up
Excitement flowing through me like the river im entering
The knot is gone

They ask me if I'm ready to give up my life for
the one I love
Shivering in the freezing water...
I am ready

I lean back, eyes closed, nose plugged,
I was submerged in thw water

They pull me up, a warm feeling overwhelms me
I am saved; I have a new life to live,
I'm ready to live it