
Lately I've been feelin' stressed
Just a lil depressed
Yet still, everyday
I wake up, get dressed
Try 'n keep my cool
Who the hell am I tryin' to fool?
Cause I ain't buyin' this shit
But don't tell me to just "get over it"
It's not that easy
Can't you see?
Hell, you probably can't
Not like I show it
Cause I don't want you, or anyone
To know it
Ya know....
Sometimes I get a lil frustrated
Just a lil agitated
Say things I might, or might not mean
And I know
My hands aren't clean
But then, have you checked yours?
Look, we all have our battles to fight
Our burdens to bear, our demons to fear
That doesn't give you the right
To treat people like shit
Just cause you hate yourself
I know, you don't wanna hear
It, but I'm gonna say it
Get the fuck over it!
But you can't, can you
See? Told you
It ain't easy