Perfect Like Pearls

"Best friends forever
is how the saying goes
is it just a saying?"
she reads from a book with bows.

As she reads on
speaking of two young girls
who suffered many hardships
far from perfect like pearls.

The story continues
"And the girls are still strong
broken and beaten
and always get along.

one day they were talking
the youngest girl brings up
how much she needs her friend
without she would be corrupt."

the story teller paused
a small twinkle in her eye
the children begged her
please do not cry

i sat silently waiting
why was she so sad?
this story isn't real
i started to get mad.

the speaker continued
"her friend replies
you need me more than i need you
the young girl wishes to die.

the two friends slip apart
because one phrase was not said
just a I need you too
maybe the young girl wouldn't be dead."

the speaker closes the cover
and lets out a small sigh
she looked at me and said
"never let your best friend die."