The Simple Truth.

The stars are bright,
the sun is beautiful,
though all dull in your might,
your cheerful smile,
and gentle giggles,
all so marvelous in my presence,
strong love felt by us,
inner passion always shown,
how grand it is to have someone like you,
always to have,
always to love,
why without you,
the Earth would frown,
its most beautiful creation gone,
my heart would shatter to a million pieces,
life would become so dull,
though I know I'll always have you,
the love we feel for each other,
will never shatter,
yet it shall grow,
I see you in my future,
and I hope it's the same for you,
I'm sure one day I'll find you,
and when that day comes,
I'll wish to marry you,
so one,
becomes two,
I just want you to know one thing,
the simple truth is,
I love you.